Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines day

Happy Valentine’s Day

I have love for my dog because he is dead :(. Love for my family or most of it because they have been there. Love for all my friends even the really annoying one. For food especially Sub-way it’s pretty much my favorite food to eat and it taste so good. I have love for pretty much every hot girl. I hate every book that has more than 9 chapters except for maybe one book. I love watching a lot of movies. Scary movies are definitely my favorite. I have love for sports definitely basketball because to me it’s not just a sport to me and I love football also but I’m not the best at it. I love school breaks especially spring and summer because that’s when I have the most fun out of all the season breaks. I love god because he loves everybody. I love Kaemen because he hit that game winning shot. I love cars because I want one and they can take me places.

Violets are blue roses are red the thing I love most is going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Josh - You made me laugh several times reading this! Too short, though :(
